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Professor Zhu Hongqing of Southeast University invited to give a lecture in SFL
Author:外国语 Number of hits: Time:2020-12-18

On December 4, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., at the invitation of the School of Foreign Languages, Professor Zhu Hongqing,who is the Professor of the English Department, Master tutor of the School of Foreign Languages of Southeast University, Director of the Institute of American Culture, also Professor of Basic Teaching Department and Director of the International Cooperation Department of Pujiang College, Nanjing Tech University, gave a special lecture entitled "Basics of Intercultural Communication" in Conference Room 308 of the Dezheng Building of our university. Teachers and students of the School of Foreign Languages attended the lecture, which was hosted by assistantof the dean, Gu Xiaoyan.

Professor Zhu Hongqing firstly elaborated many cultural differences in the world by comparing the attitudes of different countries during the epidemic.And then he introduced the theme of intercultural communication.After that,Professor Zhu vividly described the cultural concept of language differences with Chinese familiar idioms, and explained the connotation, classification and characteristics of "culture" and "communication" to students respectively. In addition, the professor explained four stages of cultural anxiety with his own experience while studying in the United States.

In the end,Professor Zhu concluded his lecture with four guidelines for intercultural communication,and he also hoped studentsto be able to accurately and politely express their communicative intentions in an appropriate way and achieve the purpose of communication, so as to improve their intercultural communicative competence and contribute to the future intercultural communication of the country.

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