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Zhang Yuyin
Author:HB火博体育(中国)官方网站 Number of hits: Time:2020-11-18

Zhang Yuyin

Associate Professor

Education and Qualifications:

1.         (M.A.)  English Language, Nanjing Normal University (2000—2004)

2.         BA of English, Yangzhou Teachers’ College (1984—1988)

3.         09/2013--02/2014 Academic staff in University of SheffieldUK

Work Experience:

2000--present Teaching different English courses in Nanjing University of Finance& Economics,

Teaching Areas:

College English


English for Tourism

Integrated College English

Research Interests:

SLA and College English teaching

Articles Published:

1.         A study on the correlation between L2 learners’ ability to identify prefabricated chunks

and their L2 proficiency, Foreign Language World,2008(3)

2.         A comparative study of the autonomous language learning situation ---An empirical study based on SPSS11.0, Meitan Higher Education,2007(5) i



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